Monday 21 February 2011

Work Selection

I have selected the three items of work I am most proud of, and want to exhibit. At least, .. sort of.

I have three pieces of work as follows;

- A website re-design of Yvettes Bridal Shop
- An advertising campaign for saving the planet
- A radio broadcast

Although, the last piece of work is entirely audio based. It was mentioned that we could exhibit animations, but not a piece based on sound primarily. So, in case this is a problem, I do have a backup. But assuming the projector for the animations play sound (because at least some if not all will need sound support) surely I could play my piece, even with a static image on screen like I could make a fake logo for the radio station.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    It might be my computer in the office but I can't see the images in relationship to your personal branding (CV and business card). Can you please try to upload them again? Or if you prefer, print them out and we can have a look at them next class, while the rest of the groups are using the photo studio and you have done your pictures.

    See you then,
