Tuesday 22 February 2011

Images of work

I have been asked to provide three images of the pieces of work I want to demonstrate.

For the radio broadcast, I may just create a logo now just to catch people's attention, as the piece is purely sound based. As for the actual piece itself, it has been suggested to buy a cheap pair of headphones and a cheap mp3 player and fix them to my board somehow. This would be accompanied by an explanation of the piece.

For the advertising campaign, I have a couple of images to choose from (I am as yet undecided whether to have the plain image of my logo and text or the alternative with all the information. Both however are shown below.

For the website re-design I will simply show the index page of the site, as shown below.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to start working in the information you will give in relationship to these projects. Be sure to include:

    Name of Project:

    And a brief explanation of conceptual and technical process.
