Tuesday 8 February 2011


To 'research' different exhibition styles, layouts and features I have decided to go to some exhibition spaces.

Firstly, I decided I want to venture away from 'normal'. When I hear the word 'exhibition' I think London, TATE, etc. Yeah, sure I could go to all the glamourous up-scale places in London, but I don't want to do that for two reasons;

- EVERYONE is going to do this. At least most people. After todays lesson I have found that people have already started venturing out into London, and there is more art and exhibitions in the world than just the capital. I WANT TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.

- I've been there before, it's all the same. I know, the exhibitions change. But the place stays the same. But most are just rooms with paintings on the wall. What about different places, like an airfield museum? Where there are physical objects to be arranged. I know the TATE modern would have to deal with this, but other people will have/are going there. Like I said, I want to diverge from the popular choice.

Doing some research on the Internet, mainly based on visitessex.com (and touching on www.essextouristguide.com also) I found that Colchester is a great place to visit.

Places I intend to visit perhaps to gain more of a comprehensive view to the word exhibition than just an arrangement of paintings, on wall(s), in room(s).

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