Tuesday 8 February 2011

Concept For Our Presentation

After attending the lesson today, our group has decided that we all like Matt's idea of the History of Computer Gaming.

Having drawn up an initial sketch of the floorplan and shown it to us, we have determined that there will be projectors showing different stages throughout gaming history, one of 'Pong', one of 'Sonic the Hedgehog' and then more recent, third generation characters.

Other suggestions that came out were different logos on each person's board for consistencey, the grass that features in 'Sonic' games running along all the boards for consistency.

Also, having seen the Messanine area, a greater understanding could be created of the exhibition space and what is available to us. Great lighting which was mostly natural would be good for an exhibition, except ours will have projector(s) screening animations. It was suggested that the boards could be arranged to block out as much of this light as possible (quite a shame really).

We all like this idea though, now we just need to progress it to make it presentable for next week.

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