To fill up a 6 x 3 foot board with my uni work could be seen as a bit of a challenge. Some would say;
"how can I find three pieces of work to fill up that much space".
Others may say;
"I have so much to say about these three ideas, how could I fit it all in this space?".
Either way it is a challenge. I like challenges. Regardless, my personal opinion on the matter is that my university work does not represent me and what I can do.
And If possible, this is what I want to put across in my board. Not to show off what I have done over the last three years, but what I could do now.
Yes, I've made websites, but that was my first attempt at HTML. If I did one now it would be much better.
Yes, I've made 3D models, but that was my first attempt at animating 3D. If I did one now it would be much better.
Yes, I've made animations and soundscapes and interfaces and databases but they were all first attempts, if I did it again now (as if a project in a real job I get now after uni) I COULD DO IT MUCH BETTER. Yes this work demonstrates that I can do it but it doesn't show you my real potential. It doesn't show you what I can achieve. It doesn't 'celebrate me' (the words the lecturer used to describe the reason for this exhibition).
This is the message I want to put across in my board. And one visual way of 'celebrating me' or what if I had achieved at uni, is (if possible) having a life-size image of myself in a very self-confident pose (arms folded, head high, lower than eye-level camera angle).
Please forgive me if this appears arrogant, for that is not my intention. This, is why I have developed this idea further...
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