Monday, 21 March 2011

Business Card Design

I have chosen my business card design to present to Mariana, it is shown below (front and back);

The digital versions were created using a psd format template from the company I intend to buy my design prints from.

As shown, I selected the hexagon idea. The gradient idea that I have produced couldn't be communicated clearly in a sketch, but upon digitising it I quickly fell in love with how great it actually looks.

Link graphics

I have attempted one of the jobs listed by our leader that need to be completed.

Below is a shot of the image that will link to the list of portfolios to choose from by student.

(It will fit into one of the image spots at the bottom of the page).



A different font will be needed for continuity on the site; we are already pushing the boundaries of number of fonts used, and perhaps a change of student images?